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Linting and code quality

Code can be linted and quality-checked with the command

make check

Note that this requires the pre-commit hooks to be installed.

This command will run the following tools:


ruff is used to lint and format the code, and it is configured through pyproject.toml:

target-version = "py37"
line-length = 120
fix = false
select = [
    # flake8-2020
    # flake8-bandit
    # flake8-bugbear
    # flake8-builtins
    # flake8-comprehensions
    # flake8-debugger
    # flake8-print
    # flake8-simplify
    # isort
    # mccabe
    # pycodestyle
    "E", "W",
    # pyflakes
    # pygrep-hooks
    # pyupgrade
    # ruff
    # tryceratops
ignore = [
    # LineTooLong
    # DoNotAssignLambda

"tests/*" = ["S101"]


mypy is used for static type checking, and it's configuration and can be edited in pyproject.toml.

disallow_untyped_defs = "True"
disallow_any_unimported = "True"
no_implicit_optional = "True"
check_untyped_defs = "True"
warn_return_any = "True"
warn_unused_ignores = "True"
show_error_codes = "True"
exclude = [


deptry is used to check the code for dependency issues, and it's configuration and can be edited in pyproject.toml.

disallow_untyped_defs = "True"
disallow_any_unimported = "True"
no_implicit_optional = "True"
check_untyped_defs = "True"
warn_return_any = "True"
warn_unused_ignores = "True"
show_error_codes = "True"
exclude = [


Prettier is used to format the markdown documentation, along with any json and yaml files. Its options can be configured in the included .editorconfig file or in greater detail by adding a .prettierrc file (See Docs).

max_line_length = 120

indent_style = space
indent_size = 4

Github Actions

If include_github_actions is set to "y", code formatting is checked for every merge request, every merge to main, and every release.