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map nl


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map-nl is a Python package to help you quickly create PC4 maps of the Netherlands, i.e. maps based on the numerical part of Dutch postal codes. While that is already possible without map-nl, this package aims to make the process a lot easier. It automatically downloads the geojson files, so all you need to provide is a dataset with two columns: One containing PC4 codes and one with a related value to plot on the map. map-nl then uses folium to plot the map.

For an example map created with map-nl, see here.



To install map-nl, simply run:

pip install map-nl

or a similar command for your dependency manager.


To create a choropleth map of the average WOZ-value in the Netherlands, you could run the following:

import pandas as pd
from map_nl import ChoroplethMapNL

df = pd.read_csv("")

m = ChoroplethMapNL(geojson_simplify_tolerance=0.0001).plot(
    legend_name="Average WOZ Value"

This will download the geojson file to the .map_nl directory, simplify the geojson file to reduce the disk size of the plot, plot the map and save it to disk.