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Linting and code quality

Code can be linted and quality-checked with the command

make check

Note that this requires the pre-commit hooks to be installed.

This command will run the following tools:


black is used to format the code, and it is configured through pyproject.toml:

line-length = 120
include = '\.pyi?$'
target-version = ['py39']
fast = true

To exclude directories or files, add an exclude argument to pre-commit-config.yaml. Note that adding an exclude argument to pyproject.toml will not work, see also here.


ruff is used to check the code style, and it is configured through pyproject.toml:

target-version = "py37"
line-length = 120
fix = false
select = [
    # flake8-2020
    # flake8-bandit
    # flake8-bugbear
    # flake8-builtins
    # flake8-comprehensions
    # flake8-debugger
    # flake8-print
    # flake8-simplify
    # isort
    # mccabe
    # pycodestyle
    "E", "W",
    # pyflakes
    # pygrep-hooks
    # pyupgrade
    # ruff
    # tryceratops
ignore = [
    # LineTooLong
    # DoNotAssignLambda

"tests/*" = ["S101"]


mypy is used for static type checking, and it's configuration and can be edited in pyproject.toml.

disallow_untyped_defs = "True"
disallow_any_unimported = "True"
no_implicit_optional = "True"
check_untyped_defs = "True"
warn_return_any = "True"
warn_unused_ignores = "True"
show_error_codes = "True"
exclude = [


deptry is used to check the code for dependency issues, and it's configuration and can be edited in pyproject.toml.

disallow_untyped_defs = "True"
disallow_any_unimported = "True"
no_implicit_optional = "True"
check_untyped_defs = "True"
warn_return_any = "True"
warn_unused_ignores = "True"
show_error_codes = "True"
exclude = [

Github Actions

If include_github_actions is set to "y", code formatting is checked for every merge request, every merge to main, and every release.